Our Hope Comes

And so the price of redemption is paid, the One way to heaven already revealed, the gate of Christ. Even the righteous dead, those saint of old, are rescued from the darkness by the Christ, now their sins are paid for by His blood. That first Easter Saturday, the scene is set for the resurrection, … More Our Hope Comes

Easter, Passover, Abib, and the New Hebrew Sacred Year – and what God says to us

As we draw closer to the time of Easter, it is good to recall the ancient link with Passover, and the associated Hebrew month of Nisan (also known as Abib), which starts this year (2018) on the 16th of March, and generally occurs in March or April. A timely reminder of our salvation and deliverance, … More Easter, Passover, Abib, and the New Hebrew Sacred Year – and what God says to us