The Year and Season Marked by 2019 and Hebrew year 5779 – The Call to Prayer

Insights to 2019 and Hebrew year 5779

Looking at what the Lord God has revealed about these years through the picture He paints by the Hebrew characters representing these numbers, and the numeric values, history, and the leading and insight provided by the Holy Spirit. The prophetic anointing revealing the future, and also possible paths – knowing God also reveals what could occur so we can act now (particularly through pray) to avoid it occurring or at least reducing the impact, as well as encouraging the goodness of God. For your prayer discernment and testing before God.

For the years (Hebrew) 5779; and (Gregorian) 2019 – The Lord reveals we are entering in to a time of urgency for prayer and intercession and looking for the prophetic word of truth around which a remnant will act and pray. For He has sought for one(s) who would stand in the gap, repairing the walls that have been broken down by our sins, and compounded by the work of our enemy. For the God of Justice, will see the courts of heaven sit, and judgement passed on the prevailing sins of evil. The sceptre of the Son will come to smash the evil like clay pots. And yet, we enter a season of a special grace to gather His people and provide places and cities of refuge as we do so.

In this intercession there is both the standing in the gap, seeking God’s mercy, as well as being part of the birthing of God’s hidden good which will come forth in the decade to come. Now is the time to watch over both, and for the final preparation of what will be revealed in the following year (2020, 5780).

In His mercy the Lord has sent those who have spoken the truth, revealing the opportunity in God for destiny should we walk with Him, and revealing the sins in the church, and nations, that sadly have their own reward. In our arrogance many have chosen to ignore the warnings, and layer upon layer of corruption has been built in the governance of people, even in what man calls church. The Lord would say, “That soon the courts of heaven will sit in agreement, and their judgement will see grace and truth revealed. Nations, leaders, princes, prophets, priests, and the people will see the judgements come upon them, these will set My captives free, bring justice for the unheard, renew my church, and restore My destiny for My people. Sometimes it is necessary to scatter to rebuild. Those sins done in secret are being revealed, starting first at the church for their also begins His judgement”.

There is still time to rise up in the Lord, to stand in the gap, and build places of refuge where He is exalted, and in humility and dependence on Him, we seek His grace and mercy. The Lord Jesus does indeed provide the road to righteousness and forgiveness and is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us and calls His people to join with Him. He looks for those from amongst the princes, prophets, priests, and people who would gather together in the secret dwelling place with Him, even a remnant, who can see the hand of grace for Almighty God restored. In this we build place of refuge, arks of safety against that which is to come, and in His grace and mercy as saints agree in this move, they link to form places of abundant life and refuge over neighbourhoods, cities, and even regions.

Hear the Holy Spirit, “This year has a special grace upon it for such gatherings and favour, come quickly, gather in the round, and rebuild the walls”. Only pursue the Lord, bow your knee to His Son, seek His face, truth, and the leading of the Holy Spirit, casting down your crowns before Him. Now more than ever a time to seek His face, humble ourselves and pray, and turn from our wicked ways. In such gatherings a new outpouring is birthed. One of grace and truth, holiness and love, fire and water, such a move comes to counter the evil that continues to break forth. New gatherings will arise, prophetic and intercessory communities, led by the Spirit, honouring God and each other, and joining together in prayer and His word, as the Lord seeks renewal and rebirth. As we see in Acts, with Apostles Peter and John, or Cornelius, this year represents an hour of prayer where we will see miracles and angelic encounters that usher in new seasons in the church.

Those who are intercessory, particularly gifted in intercessory, will sense a strong call to come aside into the secret place of prayer, and joining with the Lord to be part of this move. There is a grace and favour from God for those precious few, and the Lord will bless them in their obedience to this call. Even in communities of prayer and the Word will flourish, particularly as they allow the Spirit of God to move and see His fruit and gifts revealed.

Heed the true prophetic words to spiritually rebuild the walls of His church and your cities with tempered mortar, this will also see actions of repentance and restoration in our ways. While there is a hidden good thing to be birthed, ignore those saying “good, good, it is all good now, and no judgement is to come”, profanely seeking to create their own gain or revival, ignoring the plight of their land. These are the false prophetic spirits sent to deceive firstly the Lord’s saints, and to keep them drinking only milk like babies. Be wary, for some declare “revival, revival is now”, and yet their churches are worshipping other idols and self, the shepherds get fat at the cost of the plans and purposes the Lord has for his sheep, even calling that which is sin not; their regions continue to walk in prevailing sin, ignoring God, even persecuting the saints, the needy, the stranger, the widow, and orphan. In this time, listen to the Spirit of the Lord, and heed the true prophetic insight, for in this season we need to discern well good from evil.

For the Lord watches over His word to perform it, His word will not return until it has completed that we it was released for. And hear the mystery, His word is eternal. The words released even ten years ago, and so much more, are still being made manifest. There is an unction on this word from 2009, see it will come to pass soon.

‘Do not be complacent; intercede for the lost and those who would be struck by the suddenly; in unity God commands a blessing.

 “For there are countries sitting before you that will suffer much violence; pray that the day would be shortened so that My houses shall stand and be a safe refuge for those around them”.

For it is time for the Church to rise up and intercede and see those around them receive shelter from the storm, even quieting the tempest as we glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and stand in Him. Interceding for the tribes and the nations as Aaron did with them over our heart. Weep until the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high, then peace will reign and justice dwell in the wilderness. Righteousness will remain in the fruitful field; it will be peace, quietness and assurance forever.

 “My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, secure dwelling in quiet resting places. Blessed are those who sow and send out freely”, says the Lord.

In interceding against the violence and storm, there seems to be particular focus areas (seen as arcs/circles drawn) around the earth, beginning even now-October as the (Biblical) harvest is supposed to be nearing completion.

  • North & West China – West/Central India – Borneo/Indonesia – Philippines – Japan
  • UK/Ireland – France – Serbia – Turkey
  • California – Mexico – Cuba – Florida – New York State/Maine
  • Papua New Guinea – East Timor – East Coastal Australia – Tasmania – New Zealand (Nth Island) – Fiji – Solomon Islands

There is grace, grace, and more grace in Christ. Rise up with Jesus Christ. See His salvation break-forth. In Him be the shelter, the lighthouse; the maker of peace.

(Key Scripture: Is. 30:1 – 32:20)

Prophetic Word from September 2009 – strong sense that this word will be made manifest again, and the Lord is seeking those who will stand in the gap, interceding for His mercy and refuge

‘The Lord revealed to me the season we are in, where the judgement of the enemy will come suddenly as the clay pot is shattered, where there are those who seek to blind the seer, mute the prophet – even trying to make them tell lies. A people who in futile confidence seek man’s help not God’s. Rather than receive the abundant harvest they now see coming, disaster arrives.

Where works and the futile reliance on people, and other spirits, has been the trait of people, rather than trusting in God. Knowing his salvation comes in returning and rest; quietness and confidence in Him; they strive and seek others and their sin is revealed and they reap what they sow.

And yet the Lord will restore, teachers will be heard, direction will be given and heard, He will defeat the enemy with His Word, the enemy shall fall by a sword not made by man, idols pulled down, and the fire consume. And in this He raised up those who know Him, who can be a hiding place from the wind, a shelter from the storm. Those are they that know the Son of Man abides in him, and in His manifest presence His people can be that shelter.

Do not be complacent; intercede for the lost and those who would be struck by the suddenly; in unity God commands a blessing.

 “For there are countries sitting before you that will suffer much violence; pray that the day would be shortened so that My houses shall stand and be a safe refuge for those around them”.

For it is time for the Church to rise up and intercede and see those around them receive shelter from the storm, even quieting the tempest as we glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and stand in Him. Interceding for the tribes and the nations as Aaron did with them over our heart. Weep until the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high, then peace will reign and justice dwell in the wilderness. Righteousness will remain in the fruitful field; it will be peace, quietness and assurance forever.

 “My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, secure dwelling in quiet resting places. Blessed are those who sow and send out freely”, says the Lord.

In interceding against the violence and storm, there seems to be particular focus areas (seen as arcs/circles drawn) around the earth, beginning even now-October as the (Biblical) harvest is supposed to be nearing completion.

  • North & West China – West/Central India – Borneo/Indonesia – Philippines – Japan
  • UK/Ireland – France – Serbia – Turkey
  • California – Mexico – Cuba – Florida – New York State/Maine
  • Papua New Guinea – East Timor – East Coastal Australia – Tasmania – New Zealand (Nth Island) – Fiji – Solomon Islands

There is grace, grace, and more grace in Christ. Rise up with Jesus Christ. See His salvation break-forth. In Him be the shelter, the lighthouse; the maker of peace.

(Key Scripture: Is. 30:1 – 32:20)


20(19) – the year 19. 19 in Hebrew Yod (י) Tet (ט‎)

10 (Yod):

Yod (י) equal to 10: Is a picture of an arm and hand closed, or just arm and hand; resembling also a man in prayer. The meaning of yod being to work, throw, or worship.

The number 10 also speaks of God’s completeness, quorum, God’s order, and base number.

The symbol of Yod (י) speaks of His presence in all things, as that symbol is in all other characters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Tet (ט‎) is the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and has the numerical value of 9: It is said to be a picture of a basket, or even a snake in a basket, or even a snake. The meaning of Tet simply surround, contain, hidden good, good and evil, and mud.

When considering that in classical Hebrew script this ‘inverted’ letter Tet (ט) is a joining of Zayin (ז) and Vav/Vau (ו or ו).  Vav representing man and a straight light from God to man. Zayin (ז) is said to be a crowned Vav/Vau (ו or ו).  Zayin is therefore seen to represent returning light (of heaven), Crowned man; King, and King of kings. Joined together in the way they are for Tet, then they are said to be a picture of both light and dark, good and evil. Where the opportunity for man is revealed for good, with the picture representing a man crown, with the sword of the Spirit, humbly bowing to God; or a man who has rebelled, effectively taking on the characteristics of the serpent, and perhaps believing Satan, and who fate is to “eat dust”. God saw that light was good and separated it from darkness.

Curiously, Hebrew tradition would suggest the inverted nature of the letter, portrays hidden goodness in the basket, somewhat like a pregnant woman, or a treasure buried in a chest. The tet is the initial letter of the word tov, “good.” The form of the tet is “inverted,” thus symbolizing hidden, inverted good–as expressed in the Zohar: “its good is hidden within it.” The form of the letter chet symbolizes the union of groom and bride consummating with conception. The secret of the tet (numerically equivalent to nine, the nine months of pregnancy) is the power of the mother to carry her inner, concealed good – the fetus – throughout the period of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is the power to bring the potential to actualization. The revelation of new, actual energy, the revelation of birth, is the secret of the next letter of the alef-beit, the yud. The yud reveals the point of “Essential Life” as realized in the secret of conception of the chet and carried, impregnated, in the tet. Thus the importance to pray through this year for that which is to be birth next.

Since Vav is often said to represent people, and Zayin represents time, together they form a picture of people in community. Thus as Tet is formed in the joining of Zayin and vav, you can see this year can represent a time of entering in to community, and perhaps one that is also hallmarked by being a place of security and tabernacle (as revealed by the pictograph and meaning of vav – tent peg, secure, hook), and where spiritual warfare and the Word of God[1] in honour of Christ are well understood (as revealed in the picture and meaning of Zayin – the sword and mattock, food, king). Thus, a church that is a praying church, founded on the Word of God, submitted to Christ, and led, united, and empowered by the Spirit of God. There is a strong sense that in entering in to this community, you enter into a place of refuge like the Ark of Noah, and the Hebrew houses in Egypt where the blood of the Lamb of God covers the door such that destruction cannot enter.

When saying entering in to the community, this maybe through the building or restoration of such a community (church), as the combining of Zayin with Vav, sees also sword/mattock in one hand, and the tent peg (tool of construction of the tabernacle) in the other. So be ready for resistance to the establishment of such a community, and be prepared to stand in the gap to defend this work, as Nehemiah and the returning exiles did when they restored Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 4:17,18)

Tet, and 9, also comes with other key biblical insights worth considering:

  • 9 being the final month of pregnancy
  • 9th hour, being the hour of prayer – Twice in Book of Acts the “ninth hour” is associated with prayer, and in both cases the verse indices are a combination of 1 and 3 (Acts 3:1 and 10:30). The second case is particularly intriguing because the Number 1030 is the value of the word for intercessory prayer (entuxis) which is itself twice the value of the fundamental Hebrew word for prayer (tiphlah = 515), and this is the index of James 5:15, the famous verse concerning the “prayer of faith.” The Biblical association of the Number 9 with prayer led to the Roman Catholic tradition of the nine day prayer ritual called the Novena
  • In the context of the church, the ninth hour/season of prayer represents a time where we see angelic encounters, and miracles in the gates, that usher in new season of revelation, growth, including apostolic quantum leaps.
  • Further insight into the Number 9 emerges from the Ninth Commandment: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”
  • 9 speaks of the nine fruits and nine gifts of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22; 1 Corinthians 12:4). This correlation finds its origin in the creation of Fruit on the Third Day (9 = 3 x 3) and the Lord spoke 3 themes relating to Food, Nourishment, and the Holy Ghost.
  • 9 can also speak of both the faithful remnant, or the falling ones, noting the Lord Jesus’s reference to the 99 sheep and acknowledgement of the 1 leper that came back while the 9 did not. (Matt. 18:12; Luke 17:17)


5779 the next Hebrew year

Represented by Hey (5) Zayin (7) Zayin (7) Tet (9) -ט‎ ה ז ז   – as all Hebrew letters also represent numbers, reading right to left when looking at Hebrew word.

5 (Hey):  or ה

Hey (ה) equal to 5: Is a picture a man with arms raised. The meanings include look, reveal, breath, and behold. There is a particular sense of divine breath, revelation and light, and His creative power (ie. He spoke and it was). Gen. 1:3-4; Ps. 33:6).

The divine presence meaning of this character is also revealed when we look at the calling in to God’s purpose. When looking at the Hebrew, the introduction of He by God to Abram and Sarai creating Abraham and Sarah. This prefix to the names converting ‘a man’, to ‘the man’.

Also traditionally the character for He is said to be created when part (י – Yod) of Aleph (representing God) left to join the brokenness of humanity represented by Dalet, redeeming and bring God in man. Meaning opening the heart to the Spirit of God…and thus salvation and Christ in us. Aleph: א; Yod: י; Dalet: ד ; Hey: ה or הּ

5 is also seen in the Bible clearly, such as the 5-fold gifting (see Ephesians) of Christ; is the Apostolic number; and the full hand. Hebrew meanings also relating to 5 dimensions and the complete soul.

7 (Zayin): ז  or ז

Zayin is a picture of a mattock or sword. Meanings include food, cut, and nourish. It is said to speak of war and food, and even warring for food.

7: Is the number of completion and rest, wholeness, and blessing.

Zayin also speaks of cutting time in to seven:

  • Shabbat (Sabbath) – 7th day
  • Shauvot = 49th day of Passover
  • Tishri – 7th month of the Hebrew year
  • Shemitah – 7th year of rest for the land
  • Yovel – 49th
  • Millenium kingdom – the 7th millennium of human history (week of millenniums).

Zayin (ז) is said to be a crowned Vav/Vau (ו or ו).  (Vav representing man and a straight light from God to man).  Zayin is therefore seen to represent returning light (of heaven), Crowned man; King, and King of kings.

The Hebrew Year is more often represented ‘Hey (5) Tav (400) Shin (300) Ayin (70) Zayin (7)’ – ז התשׁעַ – utilising the addition of 400 and 300 to make 700 – thus 5776. The year can also be represented by ‘Hey (5) Nun (700) Ayin (70) Zayin (7)’ –  ה נ עַ ז  – utilising the final form of the letter Nun in the Hebrew alphabet, although this does not occur often, but is a legitimate way of representing the year.

Ayin (עַ) is a picture of an eye, with meanings of: watch, to see, discern, shade, understand, and know. Thus giving a sense of the prophetic watch, as well as knowing/seeing what is coming. Ayin is sometimes described as having two eyes that have a common optic nerve leading to the mind (will), and the sense you can have a good eye or bad eye, and the obvious choice is to look with a good eye (and in humility) – see Matt. 6:22,23.

Tav/tau (ת) is a pictograph of crossed sticks, and is associated with meanings of: mark, sign, sign post, monument, and the Cross (of Christ).

Shin/sin (שׁ/שׂ) is apparently a pictograph representing two front teeth, and is associated with meanings of: sharp, press, eat, and two. In looking at the meaning and the opicture for ‘tav’ as well, for me it is easy to see the Cross that bore our sins  – represented by ‘Sin’, and the teeth on edge due to sin (Jer. ), and sharp nails that pierced our Saviours hands and feet. However having said that, in Judaism Shin also stands for the word Shaddai, a name for God. Look up for the coming of the Lord.

Nun (ן or נ) is a pictograph representing a seed, and has associated meanings of: seed, ‘son of’, heir, continue, son, faithfulness, and promised seed. Interestingly in Aramaic ‘Nun ‘also has the meaning of ‘fish’, and is this fish that was used as Greek symbol for Christ and Christians.

Tet (ט‎) is the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and has the numerical value of 9: It is said to be a picture of a basket, or even a snake in a basket, or even a snake. The meaning of Tet simply surround, contain, hidden good, good and evil, and mud.

When considering that in classical Hebrew script this ‘inverted’ letter Tet (ט) is a joining of Zayin (ז) and Vav/Vau (ו or ו).  Vav representing man and a straight light from God to man. Zayin (ז) is said to be a crowned Vav/Vau (ו or ו).  Zayin is therefore seen to represent returning light (of heaven), Crowned man; King, and King of kings. Joined together in the way they are for Tet, then they are said to be a picture of both light and dark, good and evil. Where the opportunity for man is revealed for good, with the picture representing a man crown, with the sword of the Spirit, humbly bowing to God; or a man who has rebelled, effectively taking on the characteristics of the serpent, and perhaps believing Satan, and who fate is to “eat dust”. God saw that light was good and separated it from darkness.

Curiously, Hebrew tradition would suggest the inverted nature of the letter, portrays hidden goodness in the basket, somewhat like a pregnant woman, or a treasure buried in a chest. The tet is the initial letter of the word tov, “good.” The form of the tet is “inverted,” thus symbolizing hidden, inverted good–as expressed in the Zohar: “its good is hidden within it.” The form of the letter chet symbolizes the union of groom and bride consummating with conception. The secret of the tet (numerically equivalent to nine, the nine months of pregnancy) is the power of the mother to carry her inner, concealed good – the fetus – throughout the period of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is the power to bring the potential to actualization. The revelation of new, actual energy, the revelation of birth, is the secret of the next letter of the alef-beit, the yud. The yud reveals the point of “Essential Life” as realized in the secret of conception of the chet and carried, impregnated, in the tet. Thus the importance to pray through this year for that which is to be birth next.

Since Vav is often said to represent people, and Zayin represents time, together they form a picture of people in community. Thus as chet is formed in the joining of Zayin and vav, you can see this year can represent a time of entering in to community, and perhaps one that is also hallmarked by being a place of security and tabernacle (as revealed by the pictograph and meaning of vav – tent peg, secure, hook), and where spiritual warfare and the Word of God[2] in honour of Christ are well understood (as revealed in the picture and meaning of Zayin – the sword and mattock, food, king). Thus a church that is a praying church, founded on the Word of God. There is a strong sense that in entering in to this community, you enter into a place of refuge like the Ark of Noah, and the Hebrew houses in Egypt where the blood of the Lamb of God covers the door such that destruction cannot enter.

When saying entering in to the community, this maybe through the building or restoration of such a community (church), as the combining of Zayin with Vav, sees also sword/mattock in one hand, and the tent peg (tool of construction of the tabernacle) in the other. So be ready for resistance to the establishment of such a community, and be prepared to stand in the gap to defend this work, as Nehemiah and the returning exiles did when they restored Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 4:17,18)

Tet, and 9, also comes with other key biblical insights worth considering:

  • 9 being the final month of pregnancy
  • 9th hour, being the hour of prayer – Twice in Book of Acts the “ninth hour” is associated with prayer, and in both cases the verse indices are a combination of 1 and 3 (Acts 3:1 and 10:30). The second case is particularly intriguing because the Number 1030 is the value of the word for intercessory prayer (entuxis) which is itself twice the value of the fundamental Hebrew word for prayer (tiphlah = 515), and this is the index of James 5:15, the famous verse concerning the “prayer of faith.” The Biblical association of the Number 9 with prayer led to the Roman Catholic tradition of the nine day prayer ritual called the Novena
  • In the context of the church, the ninth hour/season of prayer represents a time where we see angelic encounters, and miracles in the gates, that usher in new season of revelation, growth, including apostolic quantum leaps.
  • Further insight into the Number 9 emerges from the Ninth Commandment: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”
  • 9 speaks of the nine fruits and nine gifts of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22; 1 Corinthians 12:4). This correlation finds its origin in the creation of Fruit on the Third Day (9 = 3 x 3) and the Lord spoke 3 themes relating to Food, Nourishment, and the Holy Ghost.
  • 9 can also speak of both the faithful remnant, or the falling ones, noting the Lord Jesus’s reference to the 99 sheep and acknowledgement of the 1 leper that came back while the 9 did not. (Matt. 18:12; Luke 17:17)


Hebrew Year 5779:

Thus we see (in the Lord) this year is:

  • With the gates opening after the marker year of 5777 (that denoted the ending of one era, millennium, and the commencing of a new era – Divine marker, the drawing of a line in time), it is time to intercede and pray, for we are entering a new millennium.
  • Of nourishment and food; Bountiful harvest
  • Of war and warring for nourishment
  • Of the sword (in the natural and spiritual), with the Sword of God (His word) triumphant;
  • Time to stand in the gap, and rebuild the walls, to create places of refuge, cities of our God
  • Watch and see the Lord entering the God works of man;
  • Entering in to the revelation (as people watch for the Lord) – including inspiration for great inventions
  • Christ (who bore our sins in His body on the Cross of Calvary) is watching over His word to perform it, and see His Holy Spirit visit, invade, and fill the open doors of His house and His people.
  • The Seed of God, Christ (or is God), watches of His Spirit as He enter the open doors, and perhaps even the sense of watch for the Lord to come and invade again humanity.
  • The Bride (Church) – Moving from teenage years to adulthood.
  • Birthing new, good things, in God…to be revealed in the following year.
  • Where the House of God is the refuge from war, and who prayers counter war.
  • Gathering occurring as communities of prayer and the word of God, flourishing as the move in the nine fruits and gifts of the Spirit of God.
  • Where the gate is found having passed through suffering for Christ, and in to the tabernacle of His presence
  • Still a season of the War and a Wedding Feast
  • By prayer and worship discerning which king and door to enter – one (Christ’s) leads to life and nourishment, and the other the pain of the sword.
  • Divisions and two kings – in the natural and spiritual decisions are being made, and blood is shed.


RECALLING: We are part of a major new season, era in God, where is seems important to recall that which has been revealed in the years 5777/2017, and 5778/2018, as they lay the foundation for the time that now unfolds.

Insights of 2018 and 5778 (the gate begins to open after the heavenly milestone year)

When bringing together the insights revealed by the Holy Spirit, the pictures and words revealed by 2018 AD and Hebrew year 5778, the first aspect to note that this marks the gate opening and the entering in to a major shift in season/era, one that brings great harvest, war (including WW III), trinity kings, and the return and the saints reigning with Christ. The season will take place over a thousand years, although key elements in terms of harvest, war, and the battle of kingdoms, and Christ’s return is likely occur in the first wo hundred or so years – if not sooner. See the unfolding eras section below on more of this.

For the year of 2018 and 5778, and the next few that follow, expect to see the first fruits of this era that has been marked by God in time. Thus, new beginnings and doors open, but also out-breaks of war, and significant battles. A time to seek peace and protection for God’s people, and His lost children. Yet also expect to see major harvests of food (natural and spiritual), and souls –  with the hearts and souls of many finding rest in God as they have opened their hearts to Him (through Christ).  In this period there will be choices being made, and divisions occurring, and key is discerning the right gate to enter. This not a time for sitting on the fence, and people will be looking to draw lines. Earthly loyalties will be tested, and it is important to seek Christ’s direction, as in that place you will find refuge. Gates/communities will begin to form based on the key elements of prayer and the word of God, acknowledging the King of kings, and the treasure of a loving community that spends time together.

Ironically, the ministry of reconciliation will also be tested, and seeking to find peace with your neighbour will be a battle, but still the call of Christ. IMPORTANTLY, peace cannot come by comprising your relationship with God, and key is holding true to the Word of God, prayer, and communion with Christ and His faithful brethren. Peace in God is what is sort, not the “peace by man”. Sadly, some in the church will be deceived in to sacrificing key tenets of their belief, and so their relationships, in order to somehow create a type of peace with worldly forces who will not tolerate things that they believe come from God that in their mind are contrary to their humanistic or demonic beliefs. We need to pray against forces seeking to create stark divisions in society.

There is a strong sense that this is a time where new beginnings will arise, and perhaps ones of restoration. Doors of life opening to bring fresh hope, and particularly after a long season of battling and suffering. Persistence with God in prayer and worship, despite the battles, sees gates and doors opening in places that looked like walls. A time for decision, but enter in.

The continuation of an amazing season where the double and even quadruple portion of God come of Him entering in to those with an open door to Him, and thus He overflows bring nourishment, creative miracles, rest, and transformation. Where the Apostolic release will be manifested in a greater order (and not just in the Church). One in amongst a season of warring in the natural and spiritual, and needing to wage war with the Sword of God against the outbreak of major wars that occur or are threatened. The grace of God bringing an overflow of Him in us and His church, and thus being a sanctuary and answer in the season of war. A true place of rest, and perhaps speaking of a season of rest from war.

We have now entered a period of the renewed watch (looking up) for Christ’s return, with a real sense we will see God entering His House….church, the Temple, and His people (Jews and Christians). This is key to forming the new communities in God. Signs in the heavens, and wonders on earth, will increase to help encourage us to follow this call.

We need to be aware, that God’s desire for all His children to be saved, and that is the sea of humanity, there comes a time where the gentleness and kindness of God makes way for the fear of the Lord as a compelling force for those seeking to turn to Him. Expect to see prophets arising with the anointing of Elijah such that they are heard in the streets and cities, and by kings and leaders, and recognised by them as prophetic voices. These voices in fact may be recognised first by the world before churches as the religious spirits blind many from the truth prophetic unction (as they do not always tickle ears). Sign and events will increase that will cause people to ponder their eternal destiny (as the Lord Jesus Christ revealed in Matthew 24)


Remembering the importance of 2017 and 5777 (heavenly milestone year)

When bringing together the insights revealed by the Holy Spirit, the pictures and words revealed by 2017AD and Hebrew year 5777, the first and most important aspect to note that this marks a major shift in season/era, one that brings great harvest, war (including WW III), trinity kings, and the return and the saints reigning with Christ. The season will take place over a thousand year, although key elements in terms of harvest, war, and the battle of kingdoms, and Christ’s return is likely occur in the first wo hundred or so years – if not sooner. See the unfolding eras section below on more of this.

For the year of 2017 and 5777, and the next few that follow, expect to see the first fruits of this era that has been marked by God in time. Thus, break out of war, and significant battles. A time to seek peace and protection for God’s people, and His lost children. Yet also expect to see major harvests of food (natural and spiritual), and souls –  with the hearts and souls of many funding rest in God as they have opened their hearts to Him (through Christ).  In this period there will be a quick change of earthly royalty (maybe presidential) changes – three sovereign/national leadership changes within the one year.  amazing season where the double and even quadruple portion of God come of Him entering in to those with an open door to Him, and thus He overflows bring nourishment, creative miracles, rest, and transformation. Where the Apostolic release will be manifested in a greater order (and not just in the Church). One in amongst a season of warring in the natural and spiritual, and needing to wage war with the Sword of God against the outbreak of major wars that occur or are threatened. These wars involve three major kingdoms – others may join, however really focussed around three centres of reign. The grace of God bringing an overflow of Him in us and His church, and thus being a sanctuary and answer in the season of war. A true place of rest, and perhaps speaking of a season of rest from war.

We are also entering a period of the renewed watch (looking up) for Christ’s return, with a real sense we will see God entering His House., the Temple, and His people (Jews and Christians).

Note: See section at end for how this is revealed

Unfolding Eras – What the Era marked by 5777 (and others) brings

When considering the years that end in ‘777’, there are common elements, mostly associated that each represents the seasonal shift in to a new era, where the Lord God has denoted a divine marker in earthly time signalling the end of one period, and the beginning of another. This period is also associated with three kings (governmental change), three swords (war), rest, and harvest. The Lord will no doubt provide much more specific prophetic revelation (than above) in relation to the events within the year, however the below is more provided as prophetic insight as to the major eras of history and future to come on earth – recognising the time from our perspective, is much different than that from God’s perspective. As in all things, this should be taken to the Lord, and considered prayerfully and test according to the Scriptures. Forit is understood that now we see in part.

Consider the patter the Lord reveals in the previous epochs:

2(777) – 2 is represented by Hebrew character Bet (ב), and speaks of the house of God, revealing God’s intention to dwell with us (us in His house, and He in us as His house). It is about the house. This year equates to 984/985 BC, and in history as well as seeing many king changing during the time that followed this especially in Israel (and the super power Egypt), however at this time we saw the reign of King David and then his son Solomon, and the important season that saw the building of the Temple, and David’s Tabernacle – it is about the House.

3(777) – 3 is represented by the Hebrew character Gimmel (ג), and in represents God pursuing (coming after) man to do kindness, and riding of camels. It can also be said to be the witness of the three-fold aspect of God – the Holy Trinity. An indeed, 3777 is the years 16/17 AD, where our Lord Jesus is around 20 years of age, and in this season we have seen God send His Son to do kindness, and three wise men and camels came to acknowledge that. In the period that follows we saw the ongoing pursuit of man by God for salvation with the birth and rapid expansion of the church, with many trials, and the passion of the great commission played out across the world.

4(777) – 4 is represented by the Hebrew character Dalet (ד), and speaks of the door, and also the works of man. Thus we see a season and era of open doors, and the pursuit of new doors, however very much led by man, and him seeking to establish his own way and reign. This door can also be one that requires humbling in order to enter. It can speak of poverty, and of God knocking at the door. The year 4777 equates to around 1016/17 AD, where we find ourselves in the dark ages, and very much a seasons of ongoing kingdom changes (The Dane King Cnut assumes the reign of England having defeated the Saxons, the Normans rule southern Italy), and some of the great sad events follow over the next thousand years as man uses religion to carry great pain, or simply seeks greater empires – and world wars.

Thus leading us to the new era (epoch) being marked by 5777, and those that follow.

5(777) – 5 is represented by the Hebrew character Hey (ה), and speaks of God entering man (the open door); Divine breath/breath of God; Creative power; and Divine help where God enters man (and His world). Thus we see the Holy Spirit moving in power, and God in power entering the open door. This number also speaks of Light; Five-fold; and Fruitfulness; and Kingdom of God (fivefold) government. Therefore, we see in this thousand-year era God entering man’s world in power, as the three-fold witness of the crowned King of kings, and establishing His reign with the saints[3] (the thousand-year reign which is likely to go in to the one to two hundred years after 6777). This is likely to be proceed with major kingdom wars[4] (in the natural and spiritual realms, even World War III – early in this season), great harvests, and then great rest.

(Note: Of course this may seem to be an outrageous claim, and perhaps it is, however we should also remember that Christ comes again as a thief in the night[5], and in the beginning of the third day since his first coming…and these days are as a thousand years[6]. So thus sometime in the years following 2030AD this new era begins, and perhaps aligned to the beginning of the seventh day of a thousand years according to the Hebrew calendar (6000 – or 2239AD). There is a strong sense it will be closer to the start of the earlier period marked by 2030/32AD as Christ established a new mark in time at His arrival. While Jesus Christ confirms that only the Father knows[7] the day of His return, He does also show us that there we are to discern the season of His return, watch vigilantly, and acknowledge the signs[8] so as to be ready. In the timing of history, the insight provided by the Hebrew calendar, signs and wonders and world events, and the future as revealed by the seer anointing, the Lord does provide insight to these seasons.)

6(777) – 6 is represented by the Hebrew character Vav (ו) and speaks of heaven being hooked to earth (heaven meets earth); the restoration of the Tabernacle; God restoring the generations; and new creation. Given the period, we see the reign of the Son of Man, and man reigning. With the meaning of 777 added, a like above, we see this year marking the epoch/era where the final war of wars occurs to defeat Satan and death[9], at the end of the millennium reign of Christ and the saints, where the devil is thrown in to the eternal pit of fire, along with all his followers. God then reveals His new heaven and earth. The Tabernacle of God is made complete on earth, and heaven is pinned to earth…two have become one. The time over which this occurs is not clear in the Bible, but sense this occurs during this era, and the noting of the millennium reign would suggest the new Jerusalem, earth, and heaven occur around the Hebrew year 7000 (3239AD).

Importantly the earthly calendars cease to have a real measure sometime after the return of Christ, as the redeeming of time means that the heavenly clock, is established on earth as it is heaven, and we know longer measure time ‘under the sun/moon’.

7(777) – As noted earlier 7 is represented by the Hebrew character Zayin (ז), and speaks of the Crowned Man (particularly the King of kings when taken in the context of the year), sword, rest, Sabbath, time ending and beginnings, harvest and food. In the four fold of seven, we see the completion of the marking of time. Suggesting a period that speaks of complete rest, for there is no other marker of time other than the seven of rest, and thus eternity reigns.


Season of the two realms – Hebrew decade 577(0-9)

When we consider this period we note the picture provided by God of ‘77’ (ז  – Zayin ; ז  – Zayin):

  • In the natural realm we see kings waging war with each other
  • In the kingdom of God realm (and way), we see kings in the Lord waging spiritual war and thus receiving nourishment and food.
  • In the season we need to remember the King of kings (Christ) has victory in all things. This in the kingdom of heaven will have victory, and be places of refuge and nourishment.


 The Milestone Year – 2017AD and Hebrew year 5777

20(17) – the year 17. 17 in Hebrew Yod (י)  Zayin (ז  or ז)

10 (Yod):

Yod (י) equal to 10: Is a picture of an arm and hand closed, or just arm and hand; resembling also a man in prayer. The meaning of yod being to work, throw, or worship.

The number 10 also speaks of God’s completeness, quorum, God’s order, and base number.

The symbol of Yod (י) speaks of His presence in all things, as that symbol is in all other characters of the Hebrew alphabet.

7 (Zayin): ז  or ז

Zayin is a picture of a mattock or sword. Meanings include food, cut, and nourish. It is said to speak of war and food, and even warring for food.

7: Is the number of completion and rest, wholeness, and blessing.

Zayin also speaks of cutting time in to seven:

  • Shabbat (Sabbath) – 7th day
  • Shauvot = 49th day of Passover
  • Tishri – 7th month of the Hebrew year
  • Shemitah – 7th year of rest for the land
  • Yovel – 49th
  • Millenium kingdom – the 7th millennium of human history (week of millenniums).

Zayin (ז) is said to be a crowned Vav/Vau (ו or ו).  (Vav representing man and a straight light from God to man).  Zayin is therefore seen to represent returning light (of heaven), Crowned man; King, and King of kings.

5777 the next Hebrew year

Represented by Hey (5) Zayin (7) Zayin (7) Zayin (7) – ה ז ז ז  – as all Hebrew letters also represent numbers.

5 (Hey):  or ה

Hey (ה) equal to 5: Is a picture a man with arms raised. The meanings include look, reveal, breath, and behold. There is a particular sense of divine breath, revelation and light, and His creative power (ie. He spoke and it was). Gen. 1:3-4; Ps. 33:6).

The divine presence meaning of this character is also revealed when we look at the calling in to God’s purpose. When looking at the Hebrew, the introduction of He by God to Abram and Sarai creating Abraham and Sarah. This prefix to the names converting ‘a man’, to ‘the man’.

Also traditionally the character for He is said to be created when part (י – Yod) of Aleph (representing God) left to join the brokenness of humanity represented by Dalet, redeeming and bring God in man. Meaning opening the heart to the Spirit of God…and thus salvation and Christ in us. Aleph: א; Yod: י; Dalet: ד ; Hey: ה or הּ

5 is also seen in the Bible clearly, such as the 5 fold gifting (see Ephesians) of Christ; is the Apostolic number; and the full hand. Hebrew meanings also relating to 5 dimensions and the complete soul.

7 (Zayin): ז  or ז

Zayin is a picture of a mattock or sword. Meanings include food, cut, and nourish. It is said to speak of war and food, and even warring for food.

7: Is the number of completion and rest, wholeness, and blessing.

Zayin also speaks of cutting time in to seven:

  • Shabbat (Sabbath) – 7th day
  • Shauvot = 49th day of Passover
  • Tishri – 7th month of the Hebrew year
  • Shemitah – 7th year of rest for the land
  • Yovel – 49th
  • Millenium kingdom – the 7th millennium of human history (week of millenniums).

Zayin (ז) is said to be a crowned Vav/Vau (ו or ו).  (Vav representing man and a straight light from God to man).  Zayin is therefore seen to represent returning light (of heaven), Crowned man; King, and King of kings.

The Hebrew Year is more often represented ‘Hey (5) Tav (400) Shin (300) Ayin (70) Zayin (7)’ – ז התשׁעַ – utilising the addition of 400 and 300 to make 700 – thus 5776. The year can also be represented by ‘Hey (5) Nun (700) Ayin (70) Zayin (7)’ –  ה נ עַ ז  – utilising the final form of the letter Nun in the Hebrew alphabet, although this does not occur often, but is a legitimate way of representing the year.

Ayin (עַ) is a picture of an eye, with meanings of: watch, to see, discern, shade, understand, and know. Thus giving a sense of the prophetic watch, as well as knowing/seeing what is coming. Ayin is sometimes described as having two eyes that have a common optic nerve leading to the mind (will), and the sense you can have a good eye or bad eye, and the obvious choice is to look with a good eye (and in humility) – see Matt. 6:22,23.

Tav/tau (ת) is a pictograph of crossed sticks, and is associated with meanings of: mark, sign, sign post, monument, and the Cross (of Christ).

Shin/sin (שׁ/שׂ) is apparently a pictograph representing two front teeth, and is associated with meanings of: sharp, press, eat, and two. In looking at the meaning and the opicture for ‘tav’ as well, for me it is easy to see the Cross that bore our sins  – represented by ‘Sin’, and the teeth on edge due to sin (Jer. ), and sharp nails that pierced our Saviours hands and feet. However having said that, in Judaism Shin also stands for the word Shaddai, a name for God. Look up for the coming of the Lord.

Nun (ן or נ) is a pictograph representing a seed, and has associated meanings of: seed, ‘son of’, heir, continue, son, faithfulness, and promised seed. Interestingly in Aramaic ‘Nun ‘also has the meaning of ‘fish’, and is this fish that was used as Greek symbol for Christ and Christians.

Hebrew Year 5777:

Thus we see (in the Lord) this year is:

  • Above all things, is a marker year, denoting the ending of one era (millennium) and the commencing of a new era – Divine marker, the drawing of a line in time.
  • Of nourishment and food; Bountiful harvest
  • Of war and warring for nourishment
  • Of the sword (in the natural and spiritual), with the Sword of God (His word) triumphant; Three swords
  • Three kings; Three kingdoms
  • Of the Crowned King; Apostolic year. The Christ and His Sword.
  • Watch and see the Lord entering the God works of man;
  • Revelation (as people watch for the Lord) – including inspiration for great inventions
  • Christ (who bore our sins in His body on the Cross of Calvary) is watching over His word to perform it, and see His Holy Spirit visit, invade, and fill the open doors of His house and His people.
  • The Seed of God, Christ (or is God), watches of His Spirit as He enter the open doors, and perhaps even the sense of watch for the Lord to come and invade again humanity.
  • The Bride (Church) – Moving from teenage years to adulthood.
  • Of rest and resting in the Lord.
  • Where the House of God is the refuge from war, and who prayers counter war.
  • A War and a Wedding Feast


Thus Insights to 2017 and Hebrew year 5777

Looking at what the Lord God has revealed about these years through the picture He paints by the Hebrew characters representing these numbers, and the numeric values, history, and the leading and insight provided by the Holy Spirit.

In summary: The first and most important aspect to note is that this coming year marks a major shift in season/era, one that brings great harvest, war (including WW III), trinity kings, and the return of our Lord and the saints reigning with Christ. The season will take place over a thousand year, although key elements in terms of harvest, war, and the battle of kingdoms, and Christ’s return is likely occur in the first two hundred or so years – if not sooner. See the unfolding eras section below on more of this. Be ready, for the years 2030-32 signal a major event.

For the year of 2017 and 5777, and the next few that follow, expect to see the first fruits of this era that has been marked by God in time. Thus, the outbreak out of kingdom wars, and significant battles, a call to gather to Christ to watch for Him, times of major harvest, changes in kings, and the rise of true apostolic government, even in the world’s systems. A time to seek peace and protection for God’s people, and His lost children. Yet also expect to see major harvests of food (natural and spiritual), and souls –  with the hearts and souls of many funding rest in God as they have opened their hearts to Him (through Christ).  In this period there will be a quick change of earthly royalty (maybe presidential) changes – three sovereign/national leadership changes within the one year.  amazing season where the double and even quadruple portion of God come of Him entering in to those with an open door to Him, and thus He overflows bring nourishment, creative miracles, rest, and transformation. Where the Apostolic release will be manifested in a greater order (and not just in the Church).

One in amongst a season of warring in the natural and spiritual, and needing to wage war with the Sword of God against the outbreak of major wars that occur or are threatened. These wars involve three major kingdoms – others may join, however really focussed around three centres of reign. The grace of God bringing an overflow of Him in us and His church, and thus being a sanctuary and answer in the season of war. A true place of rest, and perhaps speaking of a season of rest from war, as well as one where the battle strategy is to rest in Him.

Press in for the warfare of heaven, knowing our weapons are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. Be alert, and pray, for the rest from kingdom wars on earth is at risk….man’s works will endeavour to rise up.

The works of man in the trading and financial systems in the world are completely vulnerable to the writhing of Leviathan as he is moved away from the church.

Watch for the King of kings, having entered the house of the Hebrews, He prepares for the harvest. Expect to see a continued call to gather and watch for His return, and hearts of God’s people (Israel and perhaps even the Church) opened to receive a mighty move of God to enter in to our realm as preparation for Christ’s return. Again, watch for great harvest of Jews making a decision for Christ, and even a renewing of the relationship of Christians to Christ…the heavenly signs with sun and moons point to the beginning of this season.


Blood moons and 2015 – remember these marked the start of a season

blood moon

Much has been written about the four (tetrarch of) blood moons that start around Passover in 2014 (15/4/14), then at Sukkot (8/10/14), followed by again by Passover the following year (4/4/15) and finally Sukkot of that year (28/9/15). All this with a full eclipse of the sun occurring 20/3/15 in Nissan. There is Hebrew tradition pointing to the moon as signs pertaining to people of Israel (and perhaps by extension the church), and the sun the whole world.  This series of heavenly signs (Is. 13:10; Mk. 13:24,25; Joel 2:31; Acts 2:20) also occurring in 1492, 1948, and 1967, when major events have shaped the future of Israel.

When considering 2014 as the year of the open door, and 2015 as the year He enters the open door (of His house), there is certainly a sense that 2015 marked the beginning of a great move of His Spirit and heaven on earth amongst His people, some suggesting even the return of Christ. Intercessory gatherings increasing as they found themselves called to watch/intercessory gatherings a year ahead of Passover in 5775 (2015) in response to the open door. Not only watching over the opening of the door this year, but His entering next year. These signs also speaking to the earth, and perhaps we should expect mighty event this year that will spring open stubborn doors, revealed ancient ones, or gentle moves as others simply response to Christ’s knocking at the door….allows His entering in.

A strong movement of the Jews to Christ as their hearts open to Him, perhaps preceded by events/anointing bringing repentance that leads to such open hearts, is to come. This seems to be underlined given the knowledge that in Hebrew the character that represents (the Hebrew month) Nissan is Hei (also has value 5), and Nissan (meaning miracles from Nisan[10]), also has the final form of Hebrew Nun (ן) in it (which has value 700) – all very much associated with year 5775. The world will see great miracles in Nissan (March/April) next year, and God’s people great redemption and salvation.


A mystery about the time to come

At the eclipse of the sun, and the double moons, so the harvest begins…



[1] Ephesians 6

[2] Ephesians 6

[3] Revelations 20:1-4; Luke 22:30; 2 Timothy 2:12

[4] Matthew 24:7

[5] 1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10

[6] 2 Peter 3:8

[7] Matthew24:36

[8] Matthew 24:32,33; 2 Peter 3:10

[9] Revelations 20:7-10

[10] Nisan is a month of miracles, as its name stems from the Hebrew word for “miracles” (ניסים). The fact that the name Nisan (ניסן) possesses two nuns (נ and ן) implies according to the sages to “miracles of miracles” (ניסי ניסים). Of the future redemption, it is said: “As the days of your exodus from Egypt, I shall reveal to him wonders.”

4 thoughts on “The Year and Season Marked by 2019 and Hebrew year 5779 – The Call to Prayer

  1. This is explosive, and there is much much work to be done, both in the natural and supernatural. I’m from New Zealand and there is a tremendous shift in the atmosphere,allowing and cultivating his chosen children to work the vineyard

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